Wyndham Cup Day, August 15th, 2009
We had a great Sunday at the Wyndham Races on August 9th. Coming up this Saturday is the Wyndham Cup Day. Join the crowd for an exciting day at the races. Stay on for live band performances including Dr. Elephant, all held trackside for the ‘Wyndham Race Ball’. Spread the wordEmailFacebookPinterestTumblrTwitter
Wyndham Race Meeting, Sunday, August 9th
Enjoy a day out at the Wyndham Race Track. Situated on the edge of the King River salt pans, with the Cockburn Ranges in view, the Wyndham turf club offers a unique racing day experience. First race starts around 1pm. Spread the wordEmailFacebookPinterestTumblrTwitter
Overnight Horse Trek from Diggers Rest Station to Cockburn Creek
Saturday and Sunday, August 29th and 30th Join us for two days of exhilarating horse riding through the wonderful East Kimberley from Digger’s Rest Station. After spending Friday night at the station, we ride out and spend Saturday night camping out at Cockburn Creek, returning on Sunday afternoon. All gear is provided, including meals, saddlery,…
Full Moon Ride and Dine
Wednesday, July 8th 2009 Full Moon Rising – Sun Setting – Relaxing Horse Ride – Delicious Meal Join us for a relaxing horse ride in the cool of the afternoon as we wind along the valley from Digger’s Rest Station. At our dinner site, we take in a majestic view of the Cockburn Range, unsaddle…
Kimberley Horse Trekking in July
We have a seven day trek scheduled for July 26 through August 1, with a few folks interested. It would be a great time of year to ride along the Bedford Stock Route, with the Saw Ranges and their fresh water springs accompanying us along the way. We then ride up into Speewah Valley for…
Camp Cooking Kimberley Style
We start our horse treks every morning with a big hot breakfast, cooked over the campfire. Our evening meals are campfire meals sure to leave you satisfied. For lunches we serve up cold meats and salads. Most days we have a morning smoko with fruit, homeade cakes, and billy tea. Our horses enjoy a good…
New July/August horse trekking schedule
We have changed our schedule around a bit to offer a seven day trek at the end of July, from July 26th through August 1st. The trek will begin from Wuggubun Community and head down the Bedford Stock Route into Speewah Valley. This country has spectacular scenery with the sandstone Saw Ranges in view along…
Kicking back in camp on our horse treks
Join us on our horse treks and learn how to relax Kimberley style. We set up camp in some beautiful spots, with plenty of basic comforts, even if we are out in the bush. Our camps are set up near water holes, with a camp fire circled by chairs, and the horses’ night yard is…
Digger’s Rest during the Wet Season
We are having a huge wet season here, already well past our average rainfall and we still have the two wettest months to go. The waterfalls are roaring, the King River is wide, and the grass is growing by the minute! The animals are enjoying all the good feed around, so Two of my favourite…